
Sharief Hendricks
Thriller, Suspense, Mystery, Supernatural Suspense
- Profile View
- Books
- Member Since
Nov 2021
- Gender
- Country
South Africa
- Born
18 May
- Profession
Warehouse Manager
Hi There
I am, Sharief Hendricks, from Johannesburg South Africa.
I am a part time writer with a full time day job.
I am a published bestselling Amazon Indie author of ebook Short Reads in the genres of Mystery, Thriller and Suspense.
I am currently polishing my debut Novella titled Vanilla, about a paramedic that helps a troubled girl with the guidance of an entity that only appears during intimacy.
Telling stories is my passion and it is especially rewarding when readers refer to my character's as if they are real.
I have a beautiful wife and two awesome kids, three dogs and a cat...
I am one of seven loving and supportive siblings.
I wish to be blessed and lucky enough to one day be a full time author.